Frenchwoman in mass rape case calls husband, other suspects 'degenerates'
'Forgiveness does not exist,' she says
Associate of Frenchman in mass rape trial admits to copycat abuse on his own wife
An associate of Dominique Pelicot, the Frenchman man who drugged his wife and invited dozens of men to rape her in a case that has shocked France and the world, told a court that he committed similar…
Woman in mass rape case denounces husband and other suspects as 'degenerates'
The trial of Dominique Pelicot and 50 other men accused of raping his wife has shocked the world
Frenchwoman in mass rape case denounces husband, other suspects as 'degenerates'
Gisele Pelicot told a French court: 'forgiveness does not exist' after a copy cat case was revealed.
Associate of Frenchman accused of mass rape of wife admits to similar abuse
AVIGNON, France: An associate of Frenchman Dominique Pelicot, who for a nearly a decade drugged his wife and invited dozens of men to rape her, admitted to copycat abuse of his own partner on Wed
Associate of Frenchman accused of repeated rape of wife admits to similar abuse
Police have said Jean-Pierre Marechal, 63, worked with Pelicot to drug and both rape Marechal's wife Cilia after meeting on a now-shuttered website.
Horror mass rape victim Gisele Pelicot has become symbol of fight against sexual violence in France
The woman who for ten years was the victim of her own husband's monstrous acts has become a symbol in France and around the world for female dignity and against 'the worst of male violence'
last updated on 19 Sep 15:51