The memory in seeds: How plants carry environmental clues across generations
Phenotypic plasticity enables plants to adjust their physical traits in response to environmental variations, playing a vital role in their survival and adaptability. While past research has primarily ...
When ions go hiking: New insights into solvation kinetics at electrocatalyst surfaces
The ion's pathway is strongly influenced by a process that is ubiquitous across bio- and electrochemistry: ions need to reorganize their solvation shell before they can intercalate into battery cathodes, ...
Nanoparticle-based remediation of chromium-contaminated water shows high efficiency
Groundwater is an essential source of drinking water across the country. However, heavy metal contamination in groundwater presents a significant health hazard. Researchers at the Indian Institute of ...
New study uncovers unexpected interaction between Mars and the solar wind
Scientists of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna and Umeå University find that under certain conditions the induced magnetosphere of Mars can degenerate. The findings are presented ...
Scientists seek a balance between crop production and protecting the environment
Scientists at the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory (NPARL), in Sidney, Montana, completed a study that shows the use of continuous cropping ...
Forever chemicals persist through waste incineration, researcher finds
PFAS, often called "forever chemicals," present in municipal solid waste can survive the high temperatures of waste incineration and continue to spread into the environment via residues from waste-to-energy ...
Researchers explore physiological and molecular processes underlying graft healing
Grafting has long been a cornerstone in agriculture and forestry, allowing for the propagation of desirable plant traits and improved resistance to environmental challenges. Despite its widespread application, ...
Study reveals that future climate change may reduce the Amazon rainforest's ability to act as a carbon sink
The Amazon, often called the "lungs of the planet," is the world's largest tropical forest, playing a crucial role in the global climate system due to its vast carbon storage. While it is typically warm ...
Harnessing nature's rhythm: Piezocatalysis for organic pollutant degradation
With the rapid growth of industrial and agricultural activities, water bodies are increasingly contaminated with harmful organic pollutants such as dyes, antibiotics, and bisphenol A. Traditional methods ...
Bioengineers create new substrate to study wood-decomposing enzyme
Researchers want to transform the natural and abundant resource wood into useful materials, and central to that is a molecular machine found in fungi that decomposes the complex raw material into its ...
Greenhouse gains: Cucumbers get a genetic upgrade through innovative pollen tech
Genetic modification in horticultural crops, particularly within the Cucurbitaceae family, is often hindered by complex tissue culture requirements and environmental pressures such as climate change. ...
Unraveling the conservation conundrum of China's native Jacktree
The Jacktree (Sinojackia xylocarpa), native to China, is renowned for its unique spindle-shaped fruits and ornamental appeal. However, its survival is threatened by factors such as limited population ...
Groundwater cleanup boost: Tailoring 3D media for DNAPL contaminant removal
Groundwater contamination by organic pollutants, such as non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL), poses significant environmental and health risks. These contaminants, often released from industrial activities, ...
Study explores metabolic disruptions in Artemisia annua mutant strain
Artemisia annua is celebrated for its production of artemisinin, a powerful antimalarial agent. Although its glandular secretory trichomes have been the focus of extensive research, a complete understanding ...
Side effects of wide-scale forestation could reduce water availability by 15% in vulnerable regions
The side effects of large-scale forestation initiatives could have serious consequences for water availability, a pioneering study has found.
An innovative system for seeing into the bowels of a volcano
A team of researchers from the CNRS and the Paris Institute of Planetary Physics has developed an innovative imaging method that can probe the bowels of a volcano with unparalleled resolution and depth. ...
2D silk protein layers on graphene pave the way for advanced microelectronics and computing
After thousands of years as a highly valuable commodity, silk continues to surprise. Now it may help usher in a whole new direction for microelectronics and computing.
As strong as a feather: New insights into optimal muscle design
Are the biggest and most bulging calf muscles necessarily the most powerful? The scientists behind new research into muscle architecture say it's not the size of a muscle that delivers the most force, ...
DNA origami and fluorescent probes can precisely release molecular cargo
In the world of nanotechnology, the development of dynamic systems that respond to molecular signals is becoming increasingly important. The DNA origami technique, whereby DNA is programmed so as to produce ...
Discovery of 5-formylcytosine as an activating epigenetic switch
The team of Professor Christof Niehrs at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz, Germany, has discovered that a DNA modification called 5-formylcytosine (5fC) functions as an activating epigenetic switch that kick-starts genes in early embryonic development.
First liquid-liquid extraction trial finds porous liquids can separate harmful or unwanted alcohols from mixtures
A world-first study has successfully used porous liquids to achieve liquid-liquid separation for the first time, creating exciting potential for advancing both environmental sustainability and public ...
Physicists reveal evolution of shell structure using machine learning
A research team has used a machine learning approach to investigate the evolution of shell structure for nuclei far from the stability valley. The study, published in Physics Letters B and conducted by ...
Scientists find new epigenetic switch, revealing how genes are regulated in early development
The team of Professor Christof Niehrs at the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz, Germany, has discovered that a DNA modification called 5-formylcytosine (5fC) functions as an activating epigenetic ...
Template synthesis creates multilayered perovskites with unique ferroelectric behavior
A group of Nagoya University researchers in Japan has synthesized 4- and 5-layered versions of the important electrical material perovskite. Analyzing the mechanism of ferroelectricity in the material, ...
last updated on 19 Sep 22:51