Study shows small RNA plays a crucial role in intestinal colonization
The intestinal microbiome is a highly complex ecosystem with thousands of different types of bacteria. Live and let live, that is the motto. Harmonious coexistence is based on the fact that intestinal ...
Male or Female? AI enables sex determination of sheep based on their talus bone
SNSB researchers present an AI-based method to determine the sex of sheep with high accuracy, using only linear measurements of their talus bones. The team of archaeozoologists and computer scientists ...
Artificial proteasome offers insights for new trichomoniasis treatments
Researchers from IOCB Prague are furthering the understanding of how medicines work and what it takes to develop their most effective variants. In one current study, they have focused on the disease caused ...
Single-celled eukaryote employs unconventional cytoskeletal components for dynamic shape-shifting
Recently, a research group led by Prof. Miao Wei from the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered that Lacrymaria cells utilize unconventional and novel components ...
Yeast study shows ribosomes hibernate on mitochondria during cellular stress
What can stressed yeast teach us about fundamental processes in the cell? A lot, according to EMBL Heidelberg's Mattei Team. The team studies, among other topics, how cells adapt to stress—such as nutrient ...
A flow cytometry guide for accurate estimation of plant genome size
A recent study released by researchers at North Carolina State University offers new insights and guidelines for the accurate estimation of plant genome size using flow cytometry.
Advanced genetic techniques and microscopy offer new insights into anaerobic ciliate and methanogen symbiosis
A recent study has uncovered critical details about the association between anaerobic ciliates and methanogenic archaea, a relationship that has fascinated scientists for over decades. Researchers from ...
After injury, one species of comb jelly can fuse to become one
Researchers reporting in the journal Current Biology on October 7 have made the surprising discovery that one species of comb jelly (Mnemiopsis leidyi) can fuse, such that two individuals readily turn ...
Research discovers protein that determines spiral shape of bacteria
Bacteria come in a surprising variety of shapes. In addition to rod-shaped representatives such as the widely known model bacterium E. coli, there are numerous curved and even spiral-shaped bacteria. ...
Advanced single-cell genomics approach maps antibiotic resistance
The human microbiome plays a critical role in our health, influencing everything from disease development to treatment responses. This connection has captured the attention of scientists worldwide, eager ...
Researchers source new drugs from toxic birds
Bacteria are a valuable source for the discovery of natural products that can be used for the development of new drugs. A HIPS research team has now identified two new classes of active substances with ...
Scientists map fruit fly brain to reveal neural circuit insights
A team of scientists supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)'s The BRAIN Initiative, including Davi Bock, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Neurological Sciences at UVM's Robert Larner, M.D. ...
Single-cell genomics unveils secrets of the human microbiome
The human microbiome plays a critical role in our health, influencing everything from disease development to treatment responses.
last updated on 8 Oct 18:27