Super-resolution imaging of living tissues achieved by multi-confocal image scanning microscopy
There is a growing demand for non-invasive insights into the complex three-dimensional subcellular dynamics within living tissues at the frontier of biological research. Professor Xi Peng's group at Peking ...
Novel light source enables better temporal resolution of UV-induced molecular dynamics
The Attosecond Science group at the Center for Free-Electron Laser Science has developed a novel light source capable of producing extremely short pulses for the investigation of UV-induced molecular ...
New machine learning model quickly and accurately predicts dielectric function
Researchers Tomohito Amano and Shinji Tsuneyuki of the University of Tokyo with Tamio Yamazaki of CURIE (JSR-UTokyo Collaboration Hub) have developed a new machine learning model to predict the dielectric ...
Synthesis method improves catalytic activity by controlling the surface structure of metal particles
Fine-tuning the reactions that produce hydrogen (H2) for use as a clean fuel is an important endeavor to fight against climate change. Researchers at Tohoku University and the Tokyo University of Science ...
From fireflies to drones: Researchers uncover strategy for synchronization efficiency
Researchers from The University of New Mexico School of Engineering looked to the natural world to explain how synchronized systems can work more efficiently and made a significant discovery. Their results ...
Scientists gain insight into the material defects that cause errors in quantum computing
A team of researchers, led by scientist Lin Zhou of Ames National Laboratory, has made important progress towards understanding the role of surface oxides in improving quantum computing circuits performance. ...
Study shows weak external electric fields may protect crops from infection
Research from Dr. Giovanni Sena's group in the Department of Life Sciences highlights an intriguing method to help protect plants from pathogen attacks using weak electric fields.
AI mimics neocortex computations with 'winner-take-all' approach
Over the past decade or so, computer scientists have developed increasingly advanced computational techniques that can tackle real-world tasks with human-comparable accuracy. While many of these artificial ...
Researchers use high-performance computing to analyze a quantum photonics experiment
For the first time ever, scientists at Paderborn University have used high-performance computing (HPC) at large scales to analyze a quantum photonics experiment. In specific terms, this involved the tomographic ...
How volatile organic compounds enhance plant defense and offer sustainable pest control solutions
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are essential airborne signals or odors that enable plants to communicate with other organisms and plants across short and long distances. A key aspect of this communication ...
Unique mRNA delivery method could fix faulty genes before birth
A new study shows that a biomedical tool can successfully deliver genetic material to edit faulty genes in developing fetal brain cells. The technology, tested in mice, might have the potential to stop ...
Room-temperature nonreciprocal Hall effect could heat up future technology development
An old physical phenomenon known as the Hall effect has revealed some new tricks, according to a team co-led by researchers at Penn State and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). They have ...
Plant pathologists develop method to study plant defense against viruses
A group of plant pathologists within Texas A&M AgriLife Research has created a surprisingly simple approach to studying the complex interactions between plants and viruses. They hope the breakthrough ...
Water fern gains more evidence as safe potential global food insecurity solution
Is the floating freshwater fern commonly called Carolina azolla the potential answer to global food insecurity or a possible threat to humanity? On the heels of a study published earlier this year by ...
Fringe photometric stereo method improves speed and accuracy of 3D surface measurements
Researchers have developed a faster and more accurate method for acquiring and reconstructing high-quality 3D surface measurements. The approach could greatly improve the speed and accuracy of surface ...
Natural compound found in flowers blocks activity of an enzyme involved in multiple sclerosis and cancer
Scientists have identified a natural compound that halts the process involved in the progression of certain forms of cancer and demyelinating conditions—those that damage the sheath, known as myelin, ...
A much faster way to encode DNA with usable digital data
An international team of molecular biologists, computer scientists and physicists has found a way to encode useable digital data onto DNA strands 350 times faster than current approaches. In their study, ...
On the way to light-controlled medicine: Researchers elucidate the structure of specific photoreceptors
Researchers in biology and medicine have long dreamed of controlling the activities of cells without, for example, having to use chemicals. After all, in a structure as complex as an entire organism, ...
AI-enhanced technique illuminates materials reactions at nanoscale
Kory Burns, a professor at the University of Virginia School (UVA) of Engineering and Applied Science, is a materials science researcher who is using artificial intelligence to improve materials characterization. ...
Superconductivity researchers solve the mystery of Fermi arcs
High-temperature superconductivity is one of the great mysteries of modern physics: Some materials conduct electrical current without any resistance—but only at very low temperatures. Finding a material ...
last updated on 25 Oct 18:37