Siloxane-enhanced nanoparticles unlock precise organ targeting for mRNA therapy
Penn Engineers have discovered a novel means of directing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), the revolutionary molecules that delivered the COVID-19 vaccines, to target specific tissues, presaging a new era ...
3D structure of key protein could advance development of hormone-free male contraceptive pill
Melbourne-based scientists behind the development of a hormone-free, reversible male contraceptive pill have, for the first time, solved the molecular structure of the discovery program's primary therapeutic ...
NMR-guided optimization of lipid nanoparticles for enhanced siRNA delivery
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules hold immense potential for treating diseases by silencing specific genes. Encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), siRNA can be delivered efficiently to target ...
Scientists demonstrate advanced low-coherence BOCDR system using periodic pseudo-random modulation
Scientists have successfully demonstrated a low-coherence Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry (BOCDR) system that overcomes longstanding challenges related to spatial resolution and measurement ...
Structure of a eukaryotic CRISPR-Cas homolog, Fanzor2, shows promise for gene editing
Scientists at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have revealed how Fanzor2's divergence from bacterial ancestors may make it a useful tool for future genomic engineering endeavors.
Video: Uncovering the complex roles of transcription factors in gene regulation
Throughout their lifespan, cells must continuously activate and deactivate genes. This process is regulated by transcription factors, a class of proteins that control gene expression by binding to DNA. ...
Novel DNA nanopores can open and close on demand for controlled drug delivery
Scientists at TU Delft and the Max Planck Institute have made a new class of structurally adaptable 'mechanical' pores made from DNA that can transport molecules through cell membranes. These innovative ...
Stem cell studies detail how progenitor cells self-renew, differentiate and aggregate into early kidney structures
A group of essential signaling molecules known as the Wnt pathway emerged early in the evolution of multicellular life. Scientists have been studying Wnt actions for four decades to comprehend its complex ...
Researchers observe hidden deformations in complex light fields
Everyday experience tells us that light reflected from a perfectly flat mirror will give us the correct image without any deformation. Interestingly, this is not the case when the light field itself is ...
DNA nanotechnology unravels complex protein interactions to inform cancer diagnostics
A team of researchers from NUS Institute for Health Innovation & Technology (iHealthtech), led by Associate Professor Shao Huilin and Associate Professor Brian Lim, has developed a first-of-its-kind technology ...
Scientists uncover light absorbing properties of achiral materials
Researchers at the University of Ottawa have made a discovery that changes what we know about light and materials. They found that engineered achiral (symmetric) materials, called achiral plasmonic metasurfaces, ...
New copper metal-organic framework nanozymes enable intelligent food detection
Nanozymes have high catalytic activity, high stability and high adaptability, and have become a new sensitive material for building sensors in the field of detection. Designing and preparing efficient ...
Molecular computing method uses metal ions to mimic complex mathematical functions
Researchers at the University of Twente have developed a new method that allows them to precisely control chemical reactions using metal ions. This marks an important step toward computers that function ...
last updated on 1 Oct 17:27