Daily pistachio consumption linked to improved eye health

· News-Medical

The randomized controlled trial showed that compared to eating a usual diet alone, eating 2 ounces (57 grams) of pistachios per day for 12 weeks as part of a usual diet resulted in a significant increase in MPOD in otherwise healthy middle-aged to older adults. MPOD is an important indicator of eye health, as it protects the retina and is linked to a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in older adults.

Findings from this research are timely, as according to a national poll by the American Foundation for the Blind, Americans fear vision loss more than they fear other serious health problems.

Key findings

  • Increased MPOD: Participants who consumed pistachios daily saw a significant rise in MPOD after just 6 weeks, with the effect sustained throughout the 12-week study.
  • Natural Lutein Source: Pistachios are the only nut that provides a measurable source of lutein, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the eyes.
  • AMD Prevention Potential: The study suggests that regular pistachio consumption could offer a natural dietary approach to reducing the risk of AMD.
Dr. Tammy Scott, a research and clinical neuropsychologist and lead author of the studyOur findings indicate that pistachios are not only a nutritious snack, but they may also provide significant benefits for eye health. This is especially important as people age and face higher risks of vision impairment."

Unique role of lutein from pistachios and eye health

Dr. Scott explains that in the study, participants were selected to have low habitual baseline lutein intakes in their diet and just 2 ounces per day rapidly increased lutein levels in the blood in only 6 weeks. "By simply incorporating a handful of pistachios into your diet, you can improve your intake of lutein, which is crucial for protecting your eyes," notes Dr. Scott. She adds that pistachios provide a source of healthy fat, potentially making the lutein from pistachios better taken up into the body.

In the study, about 1.6 mg of lutein was provided from pistachios, which would be enough to double the average daily consumption of lutein, which is in a class of plant pigments known as xanthophylls, in U.S. adults.

Broader health benefits of lutein

Beyond supporting eye health, the lutein found in pistachios may also benefit brain function. "Lutein crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it may help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation," notes Dr. Elizabeth Johnson, a co-investigator on the study.


American Pistachio Growers

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