"I Still Think About That Moment": 13 Times People Fell Madly In Love Over Something Totally Unexpected

by · BuzzFeed

There are sometimes those moments in life when someone you know does something unexpected that makes you look at them more romantically. People of the BuzzFeed Community shared some of these sweet moments, and my heart bursts just reading them. Here is what some shared.

1. "Two weeks after our first 'date,' he took me on a picnic near a lake. After eating, we were lying on our bellies on a blanket, looking at each other and talking. I was talking about something difficult in my life, and he slowly reached over and gently put the tips of his fingers over mine. It was just a slight touch, but it was like an electric shock. I know it was exactly at that moment that I 'fell in love.' That was eight years ago."

Thomas Northcut / Getty Images


2. "Watching the man who became my husband pick apart a chicken he’d roasted in a ridiculously hot August kitchen with no air conditioning to make me a chicken salad. It was only our third date. I looked at him standing over the sink in cutoff jeans and a wifebeater, getting every little bit off every little bone. I was a goner."


3. "I remember watching my then-girlfriend, now wife, play and visit with my younger cousins, smiling and making them laugh. I knew she would be a great mom and wife, as she was so caring with my cousins when I met them for the first time. We have been married 35 years now, and we have four kids and three grandkids."


4. "One guy (coworker) I fell madly for had this incredibly soft, gentle, and professional phone voice. I did like him as a person before, but after I heard him the first time in a professional phone call, I swooned — oh gosh, what a nice voice can do."


5. "I watched some friends playing soccer; the other team was from the 'wrong side of town.' The match was particularly heated, and one of the guys from the other team kicked one of my friends really hard, and a fistfight ensued. With all the commotion, I suddenly felt a hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me to safety. It was one of the guys from the other team; he looked at me right in the eye and said, 'Stay here.' It completely threw me off. He returned to break the fight, and we just held looks when the game ended. I still think about that moment."

Pekic / Getty Images


6. "A cold freezing rain kind of night, a co-worker had cleaned the ice off my windshield when I went to leave. I wanted to cry."


7. "Our training person for newbies at a brand new job trusted me with a situation that was troubling him about a friend of his and talked through it as if I were his equal. I was 24, he was 49. I fell so hard! We were married for ten years, and my own neuroses broke us up. This was nearly 30 years ago. I am remarried, but he is still the love of my life, and I think about him every day."


8. "It was 2002. My birthday is 9/11. Whenever it came up, people would laugh when I told them, then say, 'Aww, that sucks' or something. The whole thing was really messed up. When I met this guy, we talked about our birthdays. First his, and it was the same date as my best friend who had died. When I told him my birthday, he said, 'I'm sorry' instead of laughing. Wow, a compassionate guy! I knew it right then. We have been married for 16 years this December."

Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images


9. "My friend called me up at 3 in the morning in total panic after some guy had run up and grabbed them and ran away laughing. My very new boyfriend was asleep next to me and woke up immediately, trying to listen to my panicked friend on the other end of the line and figure out what was happening. Stayed on the line until they got home and asked if they wanted us to come be with them, my friend declined but my boyfriend sat awake and raged how awful some men were and how pathetic it was for guys to do this and asking questions and wanting to go and help my friend. The next day, he texted my friend to check on them. His being outraged on my friend's behalf, disgusted by this man's behavior, and then genuinely checking on her (completely separate from me) (we were all part of a group of friends) was when I knew this person was. Genuinely a good person and was in love."


10. "We were dating but hadn't been for long. My mom was in the emergency room quite ill and was waiting to be admitted. We all — my dad, myself, my boyfriend, my sister, and her husband — came to see her (stringent rules in ER, one person at a time). My boyfriend had to get to work, so he saw her first. We were all waiting to see her, and must confess, all saying to each other, 'WHY is it taking so long?' so, like 45 minutes later, he came out, and we all asked 'What's going on, why were you there so long?' He said, 'Her breakfast came, and she wanted her oatmeal, so I helped her.' That was the turning point for me, from dating to keeping."

David Sacks / Getty Images


11. "I came home from lunch upset that the boys team at the school I teach at might have to bow out because they didn't have a coach. Later that day, he showed up to volunteer as a coach so the kids could play. There are many other times I've fallen in love with him and continue to every day."


12. "We were already dating at this point, but I had planned a date day for us to canoe across a lake, up a creek, and then hike to a waterfall and back. We had a great day, but as we paddled back down the creek, a real storm was brewing. By the time we had to cross the lake, the wind was quite strong, the waves were high, and our progress was very slow. We were both exhausted and sitting in the front with my back to him; I was just gritting my teeth, waiting for him to start snapping or voicing his frustration over this crazy date that was way more than he'd signed up for. (For anyone with rejection sensitivity, you know how scary this feels.) But he maintained a steady, even tone of voice and gave me lots of verbal encouragement, saying that we were doing so good, almost there, etc. We made it across the lake and home, and I knew then that I was going to marry him — this big, strong, loud guy who still knew how to be gentle and encouraging in the face of exhaustion.

Malorny / Getty Images


13. "I fell in love with him when he took me to the hospital when I broke my ankle and spent the whole time making fun of how I broke it (I slipped on a wet floor wearing heels). He was attentive and funny, helping me move around, taking me inside my house, settling before he left, etc. He was my best friend, and seeing how caring he was when it inconvenienced him made me fall for him. Seven years together."


Has someone ever done anything that was non-sexual but made you swoon? Share your story with me in the comments below!