Older People Are Sharing Something They Did Growing Up That Today's Generation Will NEVER Understand

by · BuzzFeed

Every generation says, at some point, "Life used to be so much simpler when I was young." But now, with soooo much technology, the lives of kids today truly feel drastically different now than; for example, the difference between 2004 and now feels much bigger than the difference between 1994 and 1974.

Jena Ardell / Getty Images

Recently, Redditor Gsquat was interested in just how different things are now compared to life in the '80s and '90s when they asked: "What's something you did growing up that today's generation will NEVER understand?"

Bgwalker / Getty Images/iStockphoto

The thread got 2.8K comments. Below are the top, best, and most-often repeated things that older folks grew up with that today's kids just wouldn't understand:

1. "Spending hours making mixtapes from the radio and waiting for your favorite song to play on the radio just to hit record."

Shanina / Getty Images/iStockphoto


2. "Organized my activities around TV show times because once the program was shown, there were no reruns the next day, no VCR, no internet or streaming, nothing. You snooze, you lose."

Nbc / NBCUniversal via Getty Images


3. "Checking which movies were showing at what theaters and time in newspapers."

Shanina / Getty Images/iStockphoto


4. "Having to actually memorize phone numbers or using a map to get around... now it’s all about apps and Google Maps. Crazy times, right?"

Peopleimages / Getty Images


5. "I went outside when I was bored and just did stuff."

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6. "Taking pictures, then waiting for them to be developed to see if they turned out okay. Then, finding the whole roll of film is someone's thumb cause they didn't know how to hold the camera."

Bgwalker / Getty Images


7. "I used to blow into video game cartridges to make them work. If a game wasn’t loading, you’d take it out, blow into it like your life depended on it, and somehow that fixed it, lol. Kids today will never get how that little trick saved so many games from not working!"

Robtek / Getty Images


8. "The simple reality of wondering something and not knowing the answer for days, if not weeks later."

Hutchings Stock Photography / Getty Images


9. "Having to use the TV Guide to know what was going to be on TV."

Cbs Photo Archive / CBS via Getty Images


10. "Having to converse with your crush/SO's parents in order to talk to them because we all had home phones and parents always picked up first 😂."

Nancy Honey / Getty Images


11. "I used to buy cigarettes for my mom and got to keep the change. I used the change to buy candy that day or wait until the next time to get soda and candy. I used to get clear cream soda with dropped M&Ms. Yummy!"

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12. "Calling a number to find out the time or temperature."

firecotch725 / Via reddit.com


13. "Snow that lasts most of the winter. I grew up in New Jersey, where we used to make some epic snow caves and regularly get multiple 18-plus-inch storms! My kids are lucky to see 6 good inches in a season."

Jena Ardell / Getty Images


14. "Having to actually talk to people face to face, like no texting or selfies, just raw awkwardness and random hangouts."

Robert E Daemmrich / Getty Images


15. "Browsing through the Sears Wish Book catalog (toys mostly for the Christmas season). Good times."

Picker G Missouri / Via ebay.com


16. "Prank calls before caller ID and *69. Also, *69."

20the Century Fox


17. "Trusting that someone would show up on time when you've made plans."

David Butow / Corbis via Getty Images


18. "Writing letters to people and getting replies in the mail."

Grace Cary / Getty Images


19. "Playing outside without constant supervision from 6 years old and on. I would play for hours and hours outside in the woods and fields around my house. These days, I don't know a single parent that would allow their 8-year-old to play by themselves without constantly checking on them every 5–10 mins."

Roy Morsch / Getty Images


20. Having to manually turn a hand crank to raise and lower the car windows.

MoulinAcresFarmstead / Via etsy.com


21. "Having a written list of family and friends' phone numbers."

Spxchrome / Getty Images


22. "Using dial-up internet 🙃."



23. "Having a shared set of facts and cultural touchstones. There were three TV stations that had the news on once a day and were judged by their accuracy and impartiality. Political talk shows were on Sundays only with actual experts. We disagreed about policy, but we agreed on what the facts were. Someone like Trump never would be even considered, at all, a real candidate for president."

Todd Plitt / Getty Images


24. "Having to go down to your buddies' houses and knock on the door and ask the parents if they could come out and play."

Juanmonino / Getty Images


25. And lastly, "Saturday morning cartoons!"

Hensonassociates / ©HensonAssociates/Courtesy Everett Collection


You can read the original thread on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.