WATCH: Make the most of retirement: Optimise your living annuity

You don’t want your retirement income to run out of road.

by · Moneyweb

The best retirement means having a living annuity (LA) that runs smoothly, efficiently, and for as long as possible. But without the right approach, getting caught financially short too soon is too easy. That’s why we’re inviting you to our upcoming webinar, designed to help you get the most mileage out of your living annuity.

The webinar recording explores what it takes to keep your living annuity working for you well into retirement. We’ll explore the levers that you can pull to boost your retirement: getting your asset allocation right, investing offshore to spread your risk and grow your money, keeping your drawdowns sustainable so you don’t run out too soon, and cutting back on unnecessary fees that quietly chip away at your savings.

In this recording,  MoneywebNOW’s Simon Brown, along with 10X Investments experts Michael Rossouw and Chris Eddy, discuss how you can boost your living annuity. You’ve worked so hard for so long, so be sure your retirement is a smooth ride.

This webinar took place on Tuesday, 22 October, at 10h00.

More on the guests:

Chris Eddy
Head of multi-asset funds

Eddy is skilled in index portfolio management, asset allocation and investment solution design. Eddy has built the investment capability at 10X, taking responsibility for portfolio management and product development and launching multiple new funds and investment products.

Michael Rossouw
Senior investment consultant

Rossouw has a BCom in investment management and financial management and a higher certificate in financial planning. He joined 10X as a senior investment consultant in 2017 and currently focuses on growing the direct distribution channel.

The content herein is provided as general information. It is not intended as nor does it constitute financial, tax, legal, investment, or other advice. 10X Investments is an authorised FSP (number 28250)The 10X Living Annuity is underwritten by Guardrisk Life Limited.

Brought to you by 10X Investments. 

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