Teen drunk driver killed best friend after 'getting angry when asked to slow down'
Yasmin Martin was just 17 at the time of the crash and was almost double the drink drive limit. She was driving at twice the speed limit when her best friend died
She begged her drink driver mate to slow down - moments later she was killed
Mia Marsh had urged pal Yasmin Martin to slow down
Sunderland drink drive teen killed friend, 17, after responding to pleas to slow down by speeding up
Yasmin Martin, now 19, of Sunderland, has been jailed for causing the death of Mia Marsh by dangerous driving after a night out drinking
Drink driver killed friend in crash after she begged her to slow down
Yasmin Martin responded to pleas to slow down by speeding up
Teenage drink-driver who killed her best friend in crash is jailed
Yasmin Martin, 17 at the time, was almost double the drink drive limit when she made the fateful decision to drive three friends home from a night out in Sunderland.
Teen drink driver killed friend, 17, after speeding up when asked to slow down
Yasmin Martin was driving at more than twice the speed limit and was almost double the drink drive limit at the time of the accident.
Brit tourist's urgent warning after 'death trap' incident on Corfu holiday
Student Maddy Morris was driving a quad bike with her pal in Corfu, Greece, when they veered off the side of a cliff edge and tumbled nearly 10 feet before the bike crashed on top of them
'I thought it would be fun, the next thing I blacked out'
Maddy Morris said she is 'lucky to be alive' after the accident in Greece
Brit tourist crushed by rental quad bike in holiday crash on Corfu
Maddy Morris was visiting family on the Greek island of Corfu last month when she and her friend suffered a horrific accident just one day into the trip, on her birthda
last updated on 19 Sep 19:51