Dominique Pélicot invited 50 men to rape his wife

French woman slams husband and men who raped her as 'degenerates' in furious testimony

Gisèle Pélicot, 71, gave evidence today during the trial that could see her ex-husband jailed for life after he allegedly drugged her and invited 50 men to rape her over a 10-year period in Avignon, France

by · The Mirror

The French woman at the centre of the Monster of Avignon multiple rape trial today accused her attackers of being ‘degenerates’.

Gisèle Pélicot, 71, was speaking on Wednesday, as she once more gave evidence that could see her ex-husband, Dominique Pélicot, jailed for life, along with 50 other men. All are accused of ‘aggravated rape’, while Mr Pélicot has admitted drugging his wife and then violating her over a 10-year period. The trial at the Vaucluse Criminal Court, in Avignon, has seen the so-called ‘Monster of Avignon’ portayed as one of the worst sex offenders in recent French history.

But Ms Pélicot has been listening to what she described as insults from some of the defendants in court, including ones who say she was complicit with the Monster. "Not for a second did I give my consent to Mr. Pelicot, nor to these men who are behind me," she said. "Since I arrived in this courtroom, I have been humiliated. I have been called an alcoholic, an accomplice of Mr. Pelicot. I have heard everything. You have to have a degree of patience to endure everything I have to hear." As her cross-examination continued, Ms Pelicot raised her voice, stared at the accused, and said, "For me, they are degenerates."

Gisele Pelicot flanked by her lawyer at the Avignon courthouse( Image: AFP via Getty Images)

On Tuesday, Pélicot confessed to all charges, saying he contacted his co-accused in online chat rooms, before filming their crimes at his family home. "I admit to the charges in their entirety," said Pélicot. "I am a rapist, just like everyone else in this courtroom. They cannot say otherwise."

As the cross-examination continued, Pélicot insisted he ‘still loves’ his ex-wife. "I loved her well for 40 years and loved her badly for 10 years," said Pélicot. "I ruined everything, I lost everything. I should never have done that." Pélicot said he started the attacks on his wife because he was "utterly idle" in retirement.

He also claimed he "considered suicide" at one point, after learning that his wife was having an alleged affair. Pélicot has been on remand since 2020, when he was first arrested on suspicion of drugging and then raping Ms Pélicot, while inviting men he contacted online to do the same.

Last week, psychologists described Pélicot as a "Jekyll and Hyde" character who appeared like a normal husband during the day, and then drugged his wife so strangers could rape her at night. Pélicot was first arrested in September 2020 for secretely filming up women’s skirts at a supermarket in Carpentras.

His devices were searched, and there were hundreds of pornographic videos and photos of women. It was while in custody that Mr Pélicot reported a hard drive, hidden under a printer, which contained a file called "Abuses". There were some 3,800 photos and videos of Gisèle Pélicot being raped, between 2011 and 2020. Detectives have listed a total of 92 suspected rapes committed by 72 men, 51 of whom have been identified.

Pélicot sex ring involved advertising on a site for ‘partners’ on an online forum called ‘Without Her Knowing’ on the site. Of the 83 men involved, 51 aged between 26 and 73 were identified and arrested by the police. Pélicot is said to have sedated his wife by putting Temesta – a powerful anxiolytic – into her evening dinner.

Alleged rapists involved in the case include civil servants, ambulance workers, soldiers, prison guards, nurses, a journalist, a municipal councillor, and truck drivers. In a separate case, Pélicot has been charged with raping and murdering a 23-year-old estate agent in Paris in 1991. He has admitted one attempted rape in 1999, after DNA testing proved a case against him. The Avignon aggravated rape case is due to last until December 21. Fourteen of the other defendants have also admitted rape, while the rest deny any wrongdoing.