Selina Dalglish has hit out at TUI after a 'horrible' holiday with bedbug bloodstains allegedly found on the bed

Woman's TUI holiday nightmare after 'bloodstained sheets revealed bedbug horror'

by · Manchester Evening News

A Salford woman has hit out at TUI amid she claims her friend was woken in the night by a bedbug crawling into her ear while on a £1,300 holiday in Majorca.

Selina Dalglish, who turned 41 on the trip, claimed her dream birthday holiday turned into the vacation from hell after the pair discovered 'little red bugs' crawling in their beds while at the Sol Katmandu Park and Resort in Magaluf. They also claim their sheets had 'bloodstains' from pests being killed.

After complaining, Selina and her friend claim they were told by the hotel the pests were probably bedbugs. She says they were forced to wash all their clothes and even freeze their shoes for 24 hours to try and get rid of them.

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The pair jetted off from Manchester Airport on September 14, and said when they arrived at the resort everything was 'perfect'. But on Monday 16th, Selina woke up and noticed a bite on her arm.

"I assumed it was a mosquito bite and didn't think anything of it, although I've never been bitten before," she said. "Then I noticed a bug in the bathroom and just squished it, I thought it had probably just gotten through the doors."

The morning of Selina's birthday she claims her friend woke up to the feeling of something 'crawling in her ear'. She claims her pal managed to catch it and 'squish' it against the sheet, leaving a bloodstain.

"She then turned her phone torch on and found more bugs in the bed," she added. "Then I noticed there were more bloodspots on the bedding where we must have been squishing them overnight. So we went down to reception and told them, and eventually got hold of the housekeeper."

The pair claim they were then told they needed to wash all their clothes and even freeze their shoes for 24 hours to get rid of the bugs. They were provided with a new room, but Selina said they were left constantly 'on edge'.

"It ruined the holiday," she told the M.E.N. "It was horrible. I couldn't stop scratching and checking the bed every two minutes. We were counting down the days until we came home!"

After they returned to Salford, Selina submitted a complaint to TUI and was offered £50 compensation - despite the holiday having cost £1,300. She called the offer 'insulting' and was later offered an £100 voucher - but the complaint was closed before she could claim it.

The Manchester Evening News has contacted TUI and the Sol Katmandu Park and Resort for comment. Neither provided a comment following our requests.