Suellen Carey's love life has taken another surprising turn(Image: Jam Press/Disclosure/CO Press Of)

'I married myself and got divorced – now 1,500 men want to wed me'

Suellen Carey claimed that hundreds of men are vying to meet her at the altar after she ended her marriage... to herself! It may seem bonkers, but she's apparently in high demand

by · The Mirror

A model decided to try out 'sologamy' after growing tired of the dating scene. In a rather unconventional move, Suellen Carey married herself.

The self love worked initially – but she soon got "fed up" with her own company. This led to a divorce, thankfully an amicable one!

And now, the 36-year-old seems to be ready to have suitors back in her life again. The Brazilian star claims she's been inundated with 1,500 marriage proposals just weeks after splitting up with herself.

Suellen, who is based in London, said: "I've received more than 30 bouquets in the past few days, and I must say I'm shocked by the sheer number of marriage proposals.

"I never imagined that by announcing the end of my sologamy, I would attract so many potential suitors from around the world. I am now more in demand than the nights of London. I don't even know where to put all the bouquets.”

Suellen says she's had hundreds of offers from admirers( Image: Jam Press/Disclosure/CO Press Of)

Suellen's change in direction has been dramatic – as she no longer wants to spend life alone. She said: "It was a beautiful experience, but being married to myself had its challenges.

“I thought I would love it, but in the end, loneliness weighed heavier than I expected. Being in a relationship with only myself was more difficult than I imagined.”

She now feels ready to open herself up to love again. Suellen said: "When you truly get to know yourself, you realise that being in a relationship only makes sense when you're fully prepared for it. I am now a lot more selective. But I also feel ready for a relationship with someone else.”

The influencer decided sologamy wasn't the right fit for her – after marrying herself( Image: Jam Press/Joseph Sileba/CO Press)

In a follow up video, she gushed: “I never imagined that, when I divorced myself, so many unexpected things would happen. Receiving marriage proposals from people around the world was something that really surprised me.

“When I married myself, it was to celebrate self-love and self-knowledge. But, over time, I realised that it was time to follow new paths. This experience showed that self-love is the basis of any relationship – and love between two people only makes sense when we are truly ready.”

Even though Suellen's love life is rather unconventional, people chimed in with their words of support for the star. One gushed: "That's awesome.” And another swooned: “You look so pretty.”