Ryan and Jess were rocked by the news that he had cancer(Image: Jam Press/Ryan Lloyd)

'I thought my symptoms were due to a hangover - but then I made life-changing discovery'

Ryan Lloyd, 25, from Stockport, was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in 2019, aged 22, and later relapsed in January 2021. His now-wife, Jess Lloyd, said: "It's hard to describe what it's like seeing someone you love going through cancer."

by · The Mirror

A man has shared how he learned symptoms of an apparent "hangover" actually turned out to be signs of cancer, leading him to undergo gruelling treatment to battle the disease.

A mere six months after setting up a shared home with partner Jess, at the age of just 22, Ryan Lloyd faced a harrowing ordeal. After a night out with mates left Ryan feeling worse for wear with his 'hangover' soon being accompanied by alarming signs.

Persistent night sweats and unexplained weight loss led Ryan to visit the GP, which led to a life-changing discovery for the Stockport , Greater Manchester, duo. The couple was rocked by the news that Ryan had cancer.

Recounting his battle with Hodgkin lymphoma, Ryan said that receiving his diagnosis actually brought a sense of relief, finally putting a name to the cause of his suffering. Initially informed that the cancer had advanced to Stage 4, affecting his hips, spleen, spine, and neck, Ryan underwent half a year of chemotherapy and celebrated being cancer-free in January 2020.

Ryan learned he had Hodgkin lymphoma following unexpected weight loss( Image: Jam Press/Ryan Lloyd)
Ryan suffered from persistent night sweats( Image: Jam Press/Ryan Lloyd)

But the respite was short-lived as he faced a relapse, enduring further chemo and a stem cell transplant, reports the Manchester Evening News. His now wife Jess, shared her heartache: "It's hard to describe what it's like seeing someone you love going through cancer."

She added, "Not only did Ryan get diagnosed when he was only 22, when we'd only been living together for six months and just started our careers after leaving university, he later relapsed. All you can do is be there for them and support them in whatever way they need but it's so incredibly difficult to see someone you love go through that."

After being diagnosed with cancer at the tender age of 22 in 2019, and facing a gruelling relapse in January 2021, Ryan found solace in the Teenage Cancer Trust. This unique UK charity stands out for delivering specialised nursing care and support specifically tailored for young people aged 13 to 24 battling cancer.

Jess revealed her emotions on that daunting first day: "We felt quite overwhelmed the first day and it was really scary. We don't have as much life experience as a middle-aged person who is diagnosed with cancer, and it was quite traumatic."

She recounted the invaluable support they received: "We were put in touch with Jenny, Teenage Cancer Trust's Clinical Nurse Specialist, who would visit and support us both, especially as Ryan was treated throughout the Covid pandemic after he relapsed. We had a Youth Support Coordinator too, Cathy, who was amazing, but Jenny was my main source of support. She gave me her work mobile number and said that I could contact her when I needed her."

Jess also shared how vital this support system became when dealing with the rigours of cancer treatment during the pandemic: "Both mine and Ryan's parents were up north so I was looking after Ryan at home by myself. He would be experiencing side effects, and I'd think: 'Is this normal? ' and I could just ask Jenny, she'd always come back to me so quickly. It's small things that could really spiral, so having Jenny there stopped me spiralling."

Ryan has reflected on the challenges posed by cancer( Image: Jam Press/Ryan Lloyd)
Ryan proposed to Jess in Wales( Image: Jam Press/Ryan Lloyd)

Ryan reflected on the added challenges of his condition during the Covid crisis: "Because of the ongoing effects of Covid, only Jenny and Cathy could visit me. I was more reliant on them which made our relationship even stronger. They saw me through my lowest points and helped me keep going."

Ryan recounted how sharing his engagement plans with the hospital team was uplifting, saying: "I told them about my plans to propose to Jess and it was nice to chat about something other than treatment. It gave me something to look forward to on the bad days. Because Cathy and Jenny knew both myself and Jess well, they were really excited about the news and offered advice."

After triumphing over illness with a successful stem cell transplant in June 2021, Ryan got down on one knee two months later on a picturesque Welsh coastal trail. He shared his thoughts: "Jess was so supportive through my first lot of treatment, and I started thinking about proposing to her. I thought if we can beat this, we can go through anything together."

Explaining why Wales was their chosen spot for the proposal, he said: "Wales is very special to Jess and I as we have friends and family there and had had a great time when we visited before. We planned a holiday there and I popped the question. Our friends and family were in the area on the day I proposed so we were able to celebrate with them afterwards."

The couple, who are now both 28, exchanged vows at Dorfold Hall in August last year. Jess remembered the joy of their wedding day: "The day was just one big celebration of our relationship and the amazing family and friends that had got us to this point. We wanted everyone to have a smile on their face the whole day. The singing waiters were definitely a highlight! ".

Jess is throwing her weight behind the Teenage Cancer Trust's new campaign named 'Through Cancer Together', advocating for crucial support to the family and friends of cancer patients. She expressed her thankfulness, saying: "I am so grateful for the support that both Ryan and I got from Teenage Cancer Trust. It would have been a million times more stressful without them."

She also highlighted the need for this support by adding: "It's really important that loved ones can access support because you need to be able to see the light when you're going through one of your darkest times."

If you're looking for tips or guidance on supporting someone with cancer, make sure to check out this link.