"I Think About Them Every Day" – 17 Television Romances That We Were Fully And Completely Invested In

by · BuzzFeed

Couples and romances are a part of almost all TV shows, and sometimes they utterly capture our hearts.


Well, we recently asked the BuzzFeed community for their favourite romances and couples from TV, and here are some of the most popular responses:

1. Ned and Chuck – Pushing Daisies


"So adorable and yet so tragic. I loved their relationship and how although their feelings for each other were never in doubt, Ned questioned whether Chuck would be better off with someone who could kiss her, hold her hand, which really just shows how much he loved her."


2. Ed and Stede – Our Flag Means Death


"Literally the only onscreen relationship I've ever invested in and it took my whole heart. I think about them every day."


3. Lynette and Tom – Desperate Housewives


"They’d been through a LOT and still end up together. The strongest couple on that show!"


4. Blair and Chuck – Gossip Girl

The CW

"Watching their flaws ruin the relationship to both of them growing up and realising what they want throughout the series – you can’t help but root for Queen B!"


5. Eleanor and Chidi – The Good Place


"They really brought out the best in each other and helped each other overcome their fears and flaws."


6. Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak – Arrow

The CW

"They were such a wonderful couple, the chemistry between them was just amazing."


7. Glenn and Maggie – The Walking Dead


"I would have loved to see them continue and raising their children." 


8. Hook and Emma – Once Upon a Time


"Their relationship was a great slow burn, as they slowly progressed from enemies to uneasy allies, and eventually to lovers. They were both flawed characters, but they brought out the best in each other."


9. Ross and Rachel – Friends


"It’s an obvious one but 'I got off the plane' will always make me clap. I don’t care how much hate Ross gets nowadays. He and Rachel were always the endgame and they gave me hope I could find love like that."


10. Fitz & Simmons – Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


"Without question. Season 6 has an episode just about their traumas and how they are perfect for each others... it's amazing!

I was so invested that, when Fitz was gone for most of the last season, I was only hanging on for him to come back and them to have a big happy ending."


11. Stan and Peggy – Mad Men


"STEGGY. From the very first time Stan and Peggy interacted on Mad Men, I was all-in. I knew there was a good chance they'd never actually get together, because I almost never get the ship I actually want. I was still loudly championing them at every turn and pointing out their chemistry in every scene (which I'm sure made me REALLY fun to watch the show with...).

I actually put off watching the series finale for weeks because I knew that as soon as it was over, I'd have to accept that it wasn't going to happen, and I just couldn't take that... BUT IMAGINE MY SCREAMS OF GLEE IN THOSE FINAL MOMENTS!!"


12. Thorfinn and Flower – Ghosts


"I loved watching their love bloom in that first Halloween episode!"


13. Coach Taylor and Tami – Friday Night Lights

NBC / The 101 Network

"One of my all time favourite couples is Coach Taylor and Tammy. They always respected and supported each other and it was lovely to see a couple that actually stayed strong throughout a whole series. Friday Night Lights is such an underrated show!"


14. Sam and Diane – Cheers


"They're a terrible couple which just makes them more interesting!"


15. Jay and Gloria – Modern Family


"At a glance, they're completely opposite, but the more you watch them together, the more you see how cute they are."


16. Olivia and Natalia – Guiding Light


"Their journey from enemies to friends to lovers was just *chef's kiss* and you know what? The network and sponsor's ban on the couple being able to show PDA and have intimate scenes ended up doing their characters and love story a favour. All they had to express themselves and their love was to talk; and the writers ended up giving them some of the most poignant, organic, realistic conversations I've ever seen and heard on television. It was honestly a real honour and privilege to watch these two fall in love and fight to keep that love, and have their happily ever after."


17. Willow and Tara and Willow and Oz –

The WB

"Showing my age here but I think Willow Rosenberg got two of the best love stories on TV. Willow/Oz and Willow/Tara are both wonderful love stories, both perfect for her at the times she needed them. We won’t mention Kennedy."


What's your favourite TV romance? Let us know in the comments below!