Scientists Propose Using Nuclear Bombs To Save Earth From Asteroid Impact
The experiment recorded in nanosecond detail how a very large pulse of radiation from a nuclear blast could essentially vaporise the side of an approaching asteroid, and change its trajectory.
Scientists demonstrate X-rays as a way to zap asteroids out of Earth's path
Lab-based proof-of-concept shows how radiation creates explosive plumes to deflect menacing space rocks
X-ray Pulses from Nuclear Explosions Can Deflect Dangerous Asteroids, Researchers Say
Scientists have demonstrated the simulation of asteroid deflection with an X-ray pulse from dense argon plasma generated at the Z machine, a pulsed power device at Sandia National Laboratories.
Scientists say X-rays from nuclear explosion may deflect asteroids from Earth
Scientists in New Mexico conducted several experiments and learned that asteroids can be deflected from Earth using explosions of nuclear warheads above the space rock's surface.
Team of scientists believe nuclear explosion can counter asteroid on way to hit Earth; conduct lab experiment - Greater Kashmir
Scientists noted that the nuclear option is for larger asteroids, particularly when time is short.
US Scientists Demonstrate Revolutionary Method To Deflect Asteroids Using Nuclear Explosion
In New Mexico, scientists are exploring a futuristic solution to defend Earth against asteroid threats: harnessing X-ray blasts from nuclear explosions.
X-rays could deflect dangerous Earthbound asteroids
Asteroids can devastate the planet in an instant – just ask the dinosaurs. Scientists at Sandia National Laboratories have now demonstrated a proof of concept method to deflect a potential Earthbound asteroid using a blast of X-rays.
last updated on 24 Sep 16:37