Leaker claims Assassin's Creed Invictus is a multiplayer game inspired by Fall Guys featuring multiple game modes
Assassin's Creed Invictus could reportedly be inspired by Fall Guys.
The Adventurers Confirms Free Demo For Steam Next Fest
The Adventurers will be a part of Steam Next Fest, as the team will provide a free demo with a portion of the game for the event
Foundation: Galactic Frontier Soft Launches On Google Play
Foundation: Galactic Frontier has been launched on Goole Play this morning, as the game enters a soft launch phase for now
Atari 50 Reveals "The Wider World of Atari" DLC Expansion
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration will be getting a new DLC expansion called The Wider World of Atari, set to come out later this week
Valve appears to be testing ARM64 and Android gaming support for Steam on Linux
Proton is Valve's solution for running many Windows games seamlessly on the Linux-based SteamOS. The leaked code shows Valve testing this ARM64 version with a wide range...
Ctrl Alt Ego Confirmed Console Launch Date This Week
Ctrl Alt Ego will be making its way to consoles this week, as the unique FPS mashup title is headed to PlayStationa nd Xbox on Tuesday
Dreamhaven Takes On Publishing Duties For Lynked: Banner of the Spark
Lynked: Banner of the Spark has a new publisher as Dreamhaven revealed they've signed on to publish the game this October
last updated on 24 Sep 17:17