Donny Meacham

Wife Refuses ‘Traditional’ Husband’s Demand She Share Work Bonus Despite Caring for Elderly In-Laws

· NewsTalk 1290

A woman was shocked after her husband became enraged when she told him she wouldn't share her personal work bonus with him.

"Husband and I are in a traditional relationship. After we got married, I became a stay-at-home wife who took care of his parents in their 70s/80s with poor health. We planned to have two kids," the woman began on Reddit.

She explained that her husband is "a blue collar worker," and when his business started to fail, he asked her to "help out to keep payments on the house."

"Now I make barely above minimum wage as a receptionist/office admin. I work 30 hours a week. But I still have to take care of his parents and I do the majority of the chores. Husband works 60 hours a week. He makes more than I do but I still feel it's unfair," the woman continued, adding they live "very frugally."

"I am frustrated and upset he won't budge about our spending or consider getting a new job. He was the one who wanted a house and a car and now I have to work to the bone for something I didn't want," she added.

Recently, her boss gave her a "small bonus of $300" to reward her for "doing a very good job." When her husband found out, he demanded she deposit it into their shared bank account.

"I don't want to. I want to spend at least some of my bonus on myself. I need new clothes for the winter and I'd like some for skincare and makeup since I'm running out. He says they're not necessities," the woman said.

Frustrated about having to work, do all the household chores, pay some of the bills and take care of her in-laws, the woman feels "the one nice thing rewarded to me is taken away too."

READ MORE: Reddit Agrees With Man Who Refused to Split Work Bonus With Stay-at-Home-Mom Wife

Users in the comments supported the woman, with many slamming her husband for trying to manipulate her.

"So he is making decisions unilaterally and then expecting you to pick up the pieces from his poor decisions. Also none of this is about the bonus, it’s about feeling used and taken advantage of. You are taking care of his parents, the house, and a job. If he’s so traditional, why is he OK with his wife doing all of that? You are not getting the benefits of this 'traditional' marriage, in fact you are bending over backwards to meet the needs he cannot," one person wrote.

"I feel like this story is pretty common for a lot of 'traditional' relationships. The only thing traditional is the husband seems to want to avoid all domestic work and make all the decisions," another chimed in.

"They want all the benefits of a traditional wife without being able or willing to provide what a traditional husband provides for his family," someone else commented.

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Gallery Credit: Claire Epting