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'Monster' from Sutton Coldfield jailed for 'life-changing' sex attacks on schoolgirls

Andrae Marshall, 48, has been jailed for more than four years

by · Birmingham Live

A paedophile who abused two schoolgirls has been locked up for his cruel sex attacks. 'Monster' Andrae Marshall sexually assaulted the children after claiming he needed to 'physically examine' them.

The 48-year-old's 'despicable' actions were finally brought to light when both girls revealed all to police. Wolverhampton Crown Court heard how Marshall drove his first victim down a cul-de-sac and to a 'secluded spot' near his home in Langley Hall Road, Sutton Coldfield.

He asked his victim, who was dressed in her school uniform, if she was a virgin. She said she was but Marshall said he 'wanted to check' and then engaged in sexual activity with her, prosecutor Adam Western said.

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In a statement read to the court, the girl told how the ordeal had a 'major impact' on her life. She described changing her clothing following the sex attack from bright, tightly fitted outfits to dark, baggy attire.

The victim said she has had nightmares since the incident and has attempted suicide multiple times. The girl added: "I feel like I'm a foreigner in my own body as he took control and used it for his own pleasure.

"I struggle to sleep. When I close my eyes, I remember what happened to me." The court heard that Marshall went on to tell a second victim he wanted to see if she was 'still a virgin' during an encounter.

The girl challenged the convict but he went on to engage in sexual activity with her. In a statement, she told how she did not realise 'how bad' Marshall's actions were until she told her mum.

The girl added: "I spend a lot of time blaming myself and overthinking everything." Both girls have suffered 'severe psychological harm', Mr Western said.

Seamran Sidhu, defending, said Marshall is 'sorry' for making his victims 'feel the way that they have described'. While on remand, he has 'used his time in prison productively'.

He has worked for DHL and has been put in charge of 'dispatch' - a job said to be 'reserved for the most trusted and hardest working' inmates. Marshall worked for DPD and Fedex before his arrest, with a DPD job on offer to him upon release from prison.

His partner 'remains supportive' of him, Ms Sidhu added. The court heard Marshall has previous convictions including making a false statement and battery but none for sex offences.

A pre-sentence report detailed how the paedophile committed his 'opportunistic' crimes for his own sexual gratification. Sentencing, Judge Neil Chawla said his actions had caused 'enduring and long-lasting harm' to his victims.

Marshall admitted two counts of sexual activity with a child between June 2020 and March 2022. He was jailed for 51 months and told to sign the sex offenders register indefinitely on Friday, September 20.