Friends Play A Date Prank On Guy, Are Mad He Actually Likes The Girl: “I Didn’t Care At All”

by · Bored Panda


Dating is messy. Especially for the busy. Many of them, including medical resident and Reddit user ResidentThrowRA, are so into their careers, hobbies, and other responsibilities, that it leaves little room for creating and maintaining personal relationships.

So when the resident’s “friends” told him that they’d set up a blind date for him, the guy obliged. However, little did he know, it was supposed to be a prank—the girl they matched him with was, in their mind, so not his type that the fella was bound to have a bad time.

After the date (which went really well) and learning about the scheme, he turned to r/AITAH to vent his frustrations, seeking advice on how to navigate the situation.

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Image credits: Katerina Holmes (not the actual photo)

AITA for going on a second date with the girl my friends set me up with as a prank?

“I (28M) am a medical resident, so I barely have time to sleep, let alone date. My friends (also in med school) have been pushing me to go out more, insisting that I need a break from the grind. A few weeks ago, they set me up on a blind date. They wouldn’t stop talking about how ‘perfect’ this girl was for me, so I thought, why not?


I met Emily (26F Fake name) at the restaurant, and right away, I could tell she wasn’t what my friends probably expected me to go for. Emily’s not super skinny—in fact, she’s a little chubby—but honestly, I thought she was really cute. She had this amazing smile, and the way she laughed just made me want to keep the conversation going. She’s studying geology, and she was so passionate about her work, talking about volcanic rock formations like it was the coolest thing ever (and by the end of the night, I agreed, it was a lot more fun to talk about than cadavers).

The best part was how comfortable the date felt. We both found out we’re autistic, both late diagnosed, and we mask a lot—meaning we’re used to putting on a social ‘act’ to fit in. But with each other, it felt like we didn’t have to pretend so much, and that made the whole evening feel easy. It wasn’t like most dates where you’re constantly trying to impress the other person. We just clicked.

Physically, Emily wasn’t the type my friends thought I’d be into, but I didn’t care at all. She’s sweet, funny, and I had an amazing time with her. By the end of the night, we exchanged numbers, and we’ve been texting pretty regularly since.”


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Image credits: YuriArcursPeopleimages (not the actual photo)

“A few days later, though, I got a really sad message from Emily. Turns out, my friends told her that they set us up as a prank. That they set me up with her because they thought she wasn’t ‘my type’ and that they picked her specifically because she’s chubby and not what they’d call ‘conventionally attractive,’ thinking it would be funny to see how I’d react. Emily was obviously hurt and texted me, apologizing if she wasn’t what I expected. She said she understood if I didn’t want to talk to her anymore. She was wrong. I think she’s beautiful. Body and spirit. To be honest, she’s my new type.

I was furious when I found out what my friends had done. I immediately apologized to Emily, telling her my friends were idiots and that I genuinely enjoyed our date. I reassured her I wasn’t texting her out of pity and that I thought she was awesome. After we talked it out, I asked her if she’d like to go on another date just the two of us, with no pranks or games this time. She said yes.


Now, my friends are pissed at me. They’re saying I ruined the joke and that I’m being ‘weird’ by asking her out again. They’re acting like the whole thing was just harmless fun and can’t believe I’m going on a second date with someone who, to them, was supposed to be the punchline. They even joked that I’m only doing it because I feel bad, but that’s not it at all. I actually like Emily. I’m looking forward to seeing her again, and I don’t see why I should let their prank dictate how I feel.

So now I’m getting all this backlash, and my friends think I’m the a**hole for continuing to see her. I’m so confused. They keep saying it’s my autism and that I just don’t get it. AITA?”

credits: ResidentThrowRA

While people felt sorry for the guy having to go through this, they were glad he realized who his friends really weren’t

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