She said her infidelity is because of her husbands condition (stock photo)(Image: GETTY)

'My husband told me to sleep with another man - then got angry when I did'

A woman has revealed she has continued an affair despite her partner begging her not to - even though he agreed to it in the first place. Her woes have sparked debate online

by · The Mirror

A woman has blamed her husband's medical condition for her affairs.

She admitted that due to the lack of intimacy and sex in their marriage, she started seeking attention from other men, and she's already had 'multiple' affairs. However, her husband has a medical condition that makes him not want to have sex.

The wife said her husband then allowed her to sleep with another man, but then when the day came he changed his mind - but she did it anyway and blamed her husband for not giving her the intimacy she needed.

She said she has kept seeing the man she was asked not to sleep with and took to Reddit to get the confession off her chest. She explained how after years of complaining to her husband about their lack of sex, he agreed to see a doctor to see if there is a reason behind his lack of libido.

They found out there was a medical issue and her husband is working to get it fixed after years of denying there was a problem. The woman told her husband she needed sex in her life and being intimate once every other month or two wasn't enough. She told him it was affecting her concentration, and she was imagining herself having sex with every "halfways attractive guy" she came across.

The anonymous woman said: "I told him all of this because we have an open and honest relationship. I told him I didn't want to have sex with someone else, I wanted to have sex with him, but since he wasn't interested, that's just where my brain went. He said he understood. But since he was getting all the sex he wanted (and more), none of this was an urgent problem for him.

"I asked him to let me have a f***k buddy. He thought it over for weeks and finally said okay. When the day came for me to meet up with the f**k buddy for the first time, hubby texted me and said he changed his mind. I told him I wouldn't do it. I did it anyhow. And I've kept doing it (it's been several months at this point)."

The wife said she isn't in "love or lust" with the guy she's sleeping with but argues he satisfies a "physical need". She added: "We have great sexual chemistry and the sex has never been less than amazing. But I'm cheating. And sometimes late at night when I'm exhausted, I just need to get that off my chest."

Redditors were quick to share their thoughts, including one woman who shared a similar situation and wrote: "My husband and I are sort of in the same situation, just the other way around. We're pretty sure I'm asexual, but he needs sex more than once or twice a year. The f**k buddy thing works for us, sort of. The only problem is finding women willing to have sex with an otherwise happily married man."

However, others weren't as sympathetic as another commented: "To me there is no justification for going against your husband's wishes in this situation. This will not end well. Your husband will find out eventually due to the feelings you will develop for this other person."

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