She doesn't want to change her daughter's name (stock)(Image: Getty Images)

'My brother's girlfriend demanded I change my baby's name – the row led to a break-up'

A woman has taken to social media to share how she refused to change her unborn daughter's name because her sister-in-law has a problem with that specific moniker

by · The Mirror

A woman has been praised for refusing to change her unborn daughter's name because it upsets her sister-in-law. The 27-year-old explained how she is in her second trimester - and she and her husband, 27, have decided to name their daughter after his late grandmother.

She said on Reddit: "At first we were hesitant about being public about the name as I know disagreements can occur. I wont lie it's a pretty basic name and a name I had always liked so we went with it." But as soon as they revealed the name to their family, the woman's sister-in-law "flipped out" and ordered her to change the moniker.

"My brother, 34, and his girlfriend, 28, have been together for eight months and my brother has admitted it’s already getting a bit rocky and he’s debating leaving her. She stated that was her late daughter's name (from a different man, not my brother so I had no idea that was her name, my brother just informed us her daughter had passed last year and to be careful on those sorts of topics around her but the name was never brought up.)

AITA for refusing to change my unborn daughters name?
byu/Fluffy-Permit8507 inAmItheAsshole

"She immediately demanded we changed the name and said the baby wouldn’t care, I explained it was also in honour of husband’s late grandmother and it had real meaning to us and we didn’t want to change it but she insisted she couldn’t hear her daughter's name, especially not on another child." While she understands her sister-in-law's reasoning, she doesn't want the change the moniker as her brother might end up breaking up with her soon anyway.

"I understand it must be so hard but the name has meaning to us and if I’m being honest if she was genuinely a part of my family, I may have considered but my brother wasn’t sure if they were forever. I offered for them to come up with a nickname we use around her if she desperately didn’t want to hear the name but she refused and said she doesn’t care about whose grandmother is dead, she had it coming but her daughter still had her whole life ahead of her and called me an inconsiderate cow."

With that, her brother broke up with his partner on the spot. However, the expectant mum's friends say she took it too far. Wanting to know whether she's in the wrong, the she turned to social media to hear what other people think about the situation. In response, one user said: "I get why she is upset, but she can't demand that of you. If you're not even close enough to her to know the name of her late daughter, then that's far enough of a separation that she can't tell you what to do.

"It would be a different story if her daughter's name was a unique name, and that you only decided on it after hearing it from her. But that's completely not the case here." Another user added: "I lost my first child when she was seven-months-old. I was sensitive about family using her name... But never demanded anything. Nobody owns a name. I have a cousin that gave her daughter as a middle name and asked me.

"Of course I gave my blessing. You didn't know her daughter... Y'all aren't family... I personally don't think you did anything wrong." A third user said: "The name has nothing to do with her except coincidentally being her dead daughter's name. The name has another meaning for you, so keep it. The burden is for her to bear. And in eight months, she may be no longer around."