She gave her son the same name as his cousin (stock)(Image: Getty Images)

'My entitled sister-in-law stole my baby name - but I got the last laugh'

A woman has taken to social media to share how her 'entitled' sister-in-law stole her baby name - but she got her own back on her by simply keeping her cool and continuing with her plan

by · The Mirror

A mum has been praised for purposely giving her son the exact same name as his cousin to prove a point to her 'entitled' sister-in-law.

The woman shared how it's a tradition in her Irish husband's family to name the firstborn son Oisín - and she was happy to go along with the idea as she "loves" the name.

However, she didn't expect to be "beaten" to the name by her sister-in-law, who fell pregnant just two months before her. Taking to Reddit, she said: "Neither my family or my sister in-law have any other connection to Ireland.

"She got pregnant right around when I did and her son was born two months before ours. They named my nephew Oisín Miguel. I did get upset or anything." Wanting to continue her husband's tradition, the couple went ahead and named their son Oisín, despite knowing this would mean her son would have the same name as his cousin.

However, this didn't go down well with her sister-in-law, who believes she's wrong to 'complicate' things in the family. She added: "When my son was born we named him Oisín Daniel. Like I had told her we would be doing. She has flipped out that two cousins will have the same name. She is nuts because our family is Hispanic and half of our cousins are named Carlos or Camilla.

AITA for naming my son the name I had always planned even after my brother and sister in-law "stole" the name?
byu/Extension_Umpire7129 inAmItheAsshole

"She is trying to insist we call him by his middle name or change his name. I told her to p*** off. My mum is staying neutral but she was very surprised that my brother gave his son an Irish name he knew I was planning on using. She expected him to name him for our late father. Anyways my husband's family thinks the whole thing is hilarious, my family thinks my sister in-law is a weirdo and she thinks I'm an a*****e for copying her."

Commenting on her post, one user said: "She thought she was going to own the name by claiming it first, even though her reasoning for the name was that you didn't own it. So she can either call her son Miguel, or put on her big-girl pants and live with the fact that cousins have the same name. It's been known to happen.

Another user added: "You're right, anyone can use a name. That means even after she used a name that meant nothing to her, but so much to you and your hubby, it's still OK to use that name. Tell the sis she can p*** off. You didn't get mad when she took the name you planned on using.

"My family is similar... We had four John's, two Rick's who were cousins around the same age, and most women have some variation of the name Anne." A third user said: "Sounds like someone in the family likes to manufacture drama."