Abi Harris and David Jason.(Image: Mirrorpix)

Sir David Jason shares heartfelt story of meeting long-lost daughter

He was unaware of for over half a century.

by · PlymouthLive

Sir David Jason has opened up about the overwhelming mix of emotions he felt upon receiving "the most astonishing letter" from a daughter he was unaware of for over half a century. He describes in his new book how his hands trembled with a blend of "wonder and amazement, through anxiety and heartache, to fear and outright panic" when he first learned of the possibility of having a daughter he hadn't known existed for 52 years.

The Mirror had previously reported that the television icon met Abi Hill and his new grandson Charlie following a paternity test that confirmed he fathered a second daughter with the late actress Jennifer Hill during a fleeting romance. In his latest memoir 'This Time Next Year', Sir David shares more remarkable details and expresses his regret at not being part of Abi's life earlier, feeling "the pang of sadness for those missing years, all that lost time".

He recounts how the journey began with a letter from Abi, which delicately started by quoting Dylan Thomas' play 'Under Milk Wood': "To begin at the beginning, well actually, at my beginning. I wonder whether it has ever crossed your mind, as it has done with Mum and more recently with me, that you might be my biological father? " Reading the letter in his kitchen, the actor, famed for his role as Del Boy in Only Fools and Horses, admits that 'shocked' barely scratched the surface of his reaction to the handwritten message.

Abi disclosed her "paternity is uncertain" and, not seeking financial aid, asked if David would consent "to take an anonymous paternity test so that I can finally know the truth and let the matter rest". David recounts his shock: "You will be unsurprised to learn that my hands were shaking by now. What had I just read? I had to go back and read the whole thing again. And then I had to read it again. And then again after that."

He was astounded by the possibility: "I have to say it really hadn't crossed my mind that Abi Hill was my daughter – that my relationship with Jennifer Hill while we were in that production of Under Milk Wood in 1970 could have produced a child without me knowing about it.", reports the Mirror.

The thought had never occurred to him in the nearly fifty years since.

After discussing with his wife Lady Gill, who was equally shocked, they felt empathy for Abi's situation. David decided: "So naturally I should agree to do the test," and resolved that if positive, "And if the test came back positive, then we should meet Abi and open our arms to her. I am so grateful that Gill was so supportive and understanding about it all."

He expresses gratitude for Gill's support.

The renowned actor confirms the test affirmed Abi as his daughter, and their first encounter took place at a London hotel. He describes the overwhelming mix of feelings at their meeting: "I've never experienced such a jumble of competing emotions. We were both feeling them. There was a lot of elation kind of, 'Can you believe it? ' and, 'What an amazing thing! '."

"But there was an inevitable sense of distance too, and a pang of sadness for those missing years, all that lost time. So strange to feel this instant intimacy between the two of you, this obvious bond, and, at the same time, to be aware of this gap between you: so much common ground, and yet all that ground uncovered."

David Jason then went on to share his contrasting experiences with his children: "I held Sophie straight after she was born, and I fed her and changed her and walked her to school and watched her grow, and all of those things."

"And that's what I think of when I think of Sophie being my daughter."

"But Abi and I, of course, never had that chance, which is sad in itself, and now here she was, entering my life for the first time, but as a grown woman."

"In those first minutes it was such a complicated thing to process, for us both."

Despite the past, David Jason forms a close bond with both Abi and his grandson. They now frequently meet up, showing that family connections can flourish despite previous absence.

During a light-hearted moment on BBC Breakfast, he shared the amusing moniker he has for his grandchild: "I call him Charlie the hair, yeah. He's a good looking lad. Unfortunately, he's got a lot of hair."

David jests about their differences, saying: "I'm not sure that he's quite as amused as I am, with calling him Charlie the hair, but he has, he's just got so much long hair, and I get jealous. I'm terrifically jealous of him, and it's all brown and everything, and mine's not brown, and there's very little of it."

He lauded his other half for being instrumental in handling the dynamics of a blended family, saying: "My wife has been a tremendous help in this direction, and she's been extremely supportive. Without that I don't think I could have managed, quite honestly."

Also noting, "But because of Jill's reaction and her ability to understand, it's been a remarkable achievement on all our behalf. It's positive and it's the journey, not the arrival, and it's the fun of the journey."

He reflected further, adding, "And that's just another part of life's rich pattern, or life's rich journey that it throws at you."

The narrative took another emotional turn when the book disclosed the unfortunate passing of Abi's mother last year, shortly after the revelation of David being Abi's father. He expressed hope that her mother found solace in the resolution of paternity before her death: "I very much hope that she was relieved to know that Abi had finally learned the truth of her beginning and that Jenny could rest in peace," stated David.

In addition, David's narration included commendations for the Mirror's "sympathetic" reporter who originally reported the story in 2023. When the news first came to light, Sir David confessed to the Mirror: "To say it was a surprise to find out I had a daughter from years ago is an understatement."

He shared his contentment at the blossoming relationship with his newfound daughter: "However, on settling with the news, I am delighted that I am now able to get to know Abi and so we meet up when we can."

Not only David but also his wife Gill and daughter Sophie demonstrated their support and warmly incorporated Abi and her young son into their extended family fabric.

Sir David detailed the commencement of his affair with Jennifer back in 1970, when he was 30 years old.

Both had previously starred in Thomas's Under Milk Wood at London's May Fair theatre, with David later featuring in a film adaptation of the classic. In an unexpected twist, they were brought together again in 2008 for a revival of the play which also included Abi – making it a family affair, albeit unknowingly.

"Had we but known it," he reflects. Jennifer, who has had roles in Doctor Who and Bond film Octopussy, passed away last summer.

"I very much hope that she was relieved to know that Abi had finally learned the truth of her beginning," he adds. Speaking on BBC Breakfast, he remembered: "It was a girlfriend, and that part I never knew about it. I went off to work in the theatre, and the girlfriend went off to work in her theatre, and that was the end of it really."

The pair maintained contact through mutual friends.

Abi was born in October 1970. Abi and Sir David have encountered each other several times through shared acquaintances, but he was oblivious to their familial connection.

Jennifer was wedded to screen actor Geoffrey Davion, known for his roles in Miss Marple and The Stars Look Down, and Abi assumed he was her father until his passing in 1996.