Close up with black bear

by · Castanet

Bear encounters continue to add up in Kelowna this September.

A local resident walked outside her house on Hall Rd. next to the Mission Creek Landing seniors home on Thursday afternoon and came up close and personal with a black bear.

Jennifer Calhoun tells Castanet says the encounter forced her to scream, scaring off the bear as it jumped over the fence in her yard.

“It was in our backyard and was sniffing our patio set. I came out for a smoke and it was maybe five paces away. It was scary, but it was cool," said Calhoun.

She initially went into her back yard to have a cigarette and to let her two small dogs out, but luckily she decided to walk outside before the dogs did.

“I screamed, I got my phone as it kind of sniffed around the yard a little bit more and then he jumped the fence... My scream scared him away.”

Calhoun believes the bear to be a juvenile, not fully grown, but also not a cub.

According to the Province of B.C., when encountering a bear yourself, it's important to follow these steps.

  • Do not feed bears. It's against the law to feed dangerous wildlife
  • Remain calm. Do not run or climb a tree
  • Keep away from the bear. Do not try to get closer to it
  • Stay together. If you are with others, act as a group
  • Go indoors. Bring pets indoors if possible
  • Watch the bear until it leaves.