CCC pushes back opposition MPs, councillors’ forced attendance at Zanu PF School of Ideology 

by · New Zimbabwe

THE controversy surrounding the Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology has intensified with the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) vehemently rejecting a proposal to compel its elected representatives to enrol at the institution.

This follows Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Ziyambi Ziyambi’s suggestion that elected councillors and legislators must undergo the controversial academy’s programme aligned with Zanu PF’s political agenda.

During a recent parliamentary sitting, Ziyambi forwarded the proposal for elected councillors and House of Assembly members to attend Zanu PF’s indoctrination which is the indoctrination curriculum crafted by the ruling party, ostensibly to impart knowledge on the history of Zimbabwe.

Harare Mayor, Jacob Mafume’s support for the initiative has further heightened tensions, which recently saw him attend the classes.

In a statement from the Jameson Timba led CCC party, spokesman Promise Mkwananzi said that their elected officials are not going to be compelled to participate in any programmes associated with rival political parties.

“The party’s position as adopted by CNA is that our deployees (elected office holders) should not attend any programmes affiliated to another political party.

“Reference is being made in relation to the latest coercive invitation that has been made by the Ministry of Local Government for CCC councillors to attend Zanu PF School of Ideology’s training programmes

“As per the title of the institution, the programmes are informed by Zanu PF ideologies, which our party does not subscribe to. Our deployees are, therefore, guided accordingly,” said Mkwananzi.

He assured that CCC is going to address the matter with the Minister of Local Government, Daniel Garwe, and pursue legal action to challenge what they view as “unlawful and unconstitutional behaviour.”

“In line with the above, we will be writing to the Minister of Local Government to register our disquiet over what appears to be: A clear and deliberate abuse of his office and the institution of the ministry; Abuse of the Urban Councils Act and; Diversion of State finances to fund a programme that unfairly advances the interests of one political party over those of others; Coercion of other political parties’ deployees to attend ideological programmes of another political party.

“This is not only institutional corruption, party-State conflation; it is also unlawful and unconstitutional. Our party will challenge this behaviour in court and politically,” Mkwananzi added.

Furthermore, the CCC spokesperson noted the situation as a violation of constitutional principles that support multi-party democracy.

“…the attitude displayed by Ministry of Local Government undermines the ethos and culture of multi- party democracy which are encapsulated in our Constitution,” he argued.