Condemnation Of NZ Support Of Unjust UNGA Resolution

by · SCOOP

We are appalled that NZ backed the recent biased and unworkable UNGA Resolution that calls for the expulsion of the Jewish people from their Indigenous lands of Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem.

The Resolution ignores the 3,000 year Jewish connection to Jerusalem, the land of their ancestors, the birthplace of their identity as a people.

Carrying out the demands of the resolution would affirm Islamic imperialism and deny Jews access to the most holy place in Judaism, the Temple Mount.

The Resolution’s call for Israel to withdraw all its military forces from the “Occupied Palestinian Territory”, is a denial of her right to self defence and with no similar call for Palestinians to lay down its arms, is an invitation for continued attacks on Israel.

It is morally abhorrent at a time when Israel is surrounded by Islamist terrorist groups seeking her destruction. The Resolution essentially rewards the Islamist terrorism that has caused havoc in the region and that instigated the war in Gaza.

The Resolution ignores the 100+ innocent hostages still held in captivity by Hamas.

The call to end the “occupation” of “Palestinian territories”, ignores the realities on the ground. Israel ended the occupation of Gaza in 2005, to be rewarded with Hamas establishing a terrorist base from which to attack Israel.

The misuse of the organ of the UN to push the Palestinian agenda, simply prolongs the conflict.

We call on NZ to stop backing the antisemitic UN farce that seeks to destroy the world’s one Jewish state and the only democratic nation in the Middle East.

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