Nagi Bioscience launches exclusive Priority Access Program, bringing revolutionary SydLab™ One platform to five leading academic labs for C. elegans research

by · News-Medical

Nagi Bioscience, a pioneer Swiss company pioneer in cutting-edge laboratory technologies for alternative model organisms research, proudly announces the launch of its exclusive Priority Access Program, providing access to five leading academic laboratories to the first-of-its-kind SydLab One platform. With a focus on research applications in oncology, neurodegenerative diseases, aging and age-related conditions, and toxicology, SydLab One is set to facilitate and accelerate the ground-breaking research projects of the five participating laboratories.

Starting the installations in September 2024, SydLab One will be used in each of the participants facilities where it will enable researchers to conduct high-throughput and precise experiments with unprecedented efficiency, reliability, and reproducibility during a six-months period.

Matteo Cornaglia, PhD, CEO and co-founder, Nagi BioscienceWe are thrilled and honored to see our technology being adopted in an increasing number of research projects and centers, including some of the most prestigious laboratories in the world.”

“The SydLab platform is the culmination of over 10 years of multidisciplinary research and development, and it is truly fascinating to now witness its transformative potential in accelerating scientific discoveries in critical medical fields, such as neurodegenerative and age-related diseases, and beyond.”


Nagi Bioscience