Forfar sex pest flashed at skateboarding teens

by · The Courier

A sozzled sex pest dropped his trousers and flashed at two skateboarding secondary school pupils in an Angus park.

Drunk Dariusz Niklewicz flashed the boys, who cannot be named for legal reasons, at Archie’s Park in Forfar.

The pervert was spotted by adults, who warned him children were around.

Once arrested, Niklewicz swung his handcuffs at police who were trying to help him into a police van.

The 52-year-old is now on the sex offenders register and will be sentenced in November.

Flashed at teens

Fiscal depute Stuart Hamilton said: “At 5.40pm, witnesses had attended at the locus to skateboard on the footpath.

“They observed the accused and formed the opinion that he was under the influence.

“At 6pm, he has pulled his trousers down and has exposed his penis to both.

“He was waving his arms around during this. It lasted for approximately five seconds.

“Adult witnesses who were nearby observed the accused’s behaviour and ran over to intervene.

“At this point, he’s pulled his trousers back up and was told by the witnesses: ‘You can’t be doing that, there’s kids around here’.”

Police assault

Police arrived shortly after and arrested Niklewicz.

They cuffed him to the front and offered assistance when inebriated Niklewicz struggled to get into the cage of the police van.

However, he responded by trying to strike an officer on the head with his cuffs.

At West Bell Street HQ, Niklewicz said of the flashing: “This is kind of stupidity, I don’t understand or remember – maybe I did it under the influence of alcohol.”

In reply to the police assault, he added: “I did not do anything because I am not aggressive.”

Niklewicz, of Brechin Road, Forfar, was aided in the dock at Forfar Sheriff Court by a Polish interpreter.

He admitted that on April 24 this year, he intentionally exposed his genitals in a sexual manner so that boys aged 16 and 17 would see them.

He also admitted assault.

The first offender’s solicitor Billy Rennie said: “There’s a significant alcohol problem that he acknowledges.”

Sheriff Derek Reekie deferred sentencing until November 14 and ordered reports.

He placed Niklewicz on the sex offenders register and labelled the conduct “an unpleasant offence observed by two young boys.”

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