Perth bus station pervert made vile remark to schoolgirl, 14, during Stagecoach rant

by · The Courier

A convicted sex offender made an indecent proposition to a schoolgirl at Perth bus station during a foul-mouthed rant about Stagecoach.

George Begg, who was previously caught with obscene child abuse images, told the 14-year-old: “You dress like a slut, I might as well just touch you.”

Perth Sheriff Court heard police were called to the Leonard Street terminal to arrest the irate pervert at about 7pm on May 3.

Begg, 59, did not appear in the dock when his case called but he pled guilty by letter to directing a sexual verbal communication to his young victim to “obtain sexual gratification” or to humiliate, distress of alarm her.

He further admitted a charge of threatening or abusive behaviour by uttering threats of violence and derogatory remarks.

‘A shower of b*****ds’

Prosecutor Michael Robertson told the court: “The accused arrived at the bus station about 6.55pm, with the intention of getting a bus to Edinburgh.

“On arrival, he presented as extremely agitated.”

Begg approached a female driver, sitting at the wheel of her vehicle.

He asked her who she worked for, then said: “Aye, Stagecoach. They are a shower of b*****ds.”

Mr Robertson said: “The accused continued to swear at the driver as he recalled a previous problem he had encountered with the bus company.”

When he was asked to stop swearing, Begg erupted: “Shut the f*** up or I’ll kick your c*** in.”

Other passengers, including secondary school pupils, then arrived at the bus station.

“They overheard the accused call the driver a ‘slut’ and a ‘skank,'” the fiscal depute said.

Threat to kill passenger

A man intervened and told Begg to stop talking to the driver in that way.

“The accused, who was already in a heightened state, told him that he would kill his family and bottle him.”

Begg then turned his attention to a 14-year-old girl and told her: “You dress like a slut, I might as well just touch you.”

Perth bus station, Leonard Street, Perth.

“At this point, the driver contacted police,” said Mr Robertson.

Officers arrived just after 7pm and Begg was arrested.

When charged with a sexual offence, he told police: “I didn’t do it.”

He was held in custody and released the next day.

Officers carried out inquiries and obtained CCTV from the bus station, the prosecutor said.

Sheriff William Gilchrist deferred sentence for background reports and ordered Begg to appear in person.

Child images found on phone

Begg, of Cromlix Road, Perth, was jailed at the same court in October 2013.

He admitted being in possession of indecent photos of children at his then home in Crieff on January 14 that year.

The court heard that officers went to question him about being drunk in the street.

When he began acting suspiciously, officers initially thought he might be in possession of stolen goods.

Perth Sheriff Court.

They found indecent images on his phone, including pictures of boys and girls as young as four.

He also had a list of paedophile websites on the front page of his diary.

At the time, Begg had insisted he did not find the images arousing.

He was jailed for 112 days.

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