Pastor Abel Damina Trends Online After Adeboye Apologised For Saying Tithe is Requirement For Heaven

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  • The name of Dr Abel Damina is trending on social media after the hotly debated topic about tithe surfaced online again
  • This came after Pastor E.A. Adeboye admitted he was wrong to have preached that paying tithe was a prerequisite to making heaven
  • This is because many people see Abel Damina as one who has led the charge against the collection of tithes in churches

Dr Abel Damina is trending prominently on X after Pastor E.A. Adeboye admitted being wrong in one of his sermons about paying tithes.

Adeboye had preached that Christians who don't pay tithe may not make heaven, but he has reversed the teaching.

Pastor Abel Damina is trending on X after Adeboye apologised. Photo: Instagram/abeldamina and pastoreaadeboyeofficial.Source: Instagram

In a new video, Adeboye, who leads the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), said he was wrong.

He said:

"I’m apologizing for making a mistake. For saying that If you don’t pay tithe, you might not make it to heaven.' I’m sorry, that’s wrong, and it’s not in the Bible. What the Bible says is, 'be at peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see God."

Dr Abel Damina's name trends on X

After the video went viral, people started mentioning Abel Damina's name and saying he had won the argument.

Pastor Damina does not support the collection of tithes by churches and sees it as totally wrong.

In one teaching posted on YouTube, Pastor Damina said Apostle Paul never preached about tithes.

He also said the Bible did not speak about tithe as money, insisting it was supposed to be food.

Bible verse about tithe

The crux of the tithe teachings in some Nigerian churches is based on Malachi 3:10 which says:

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. 11 I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says the Lord Almighty. 12 “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord Almighty."

Many churches insist payment of tithes leads to financial blessings. But Pastor Damina, who leads Power City International, Uyo, preaches against it vehemently and insists that God does not need to be paid to release blessings.

During his appearance on the Honest Bunch, a YouTube podcast by Glitch Africa Studios, he said he used to preach in favour of tithe as well, but abandoned it.

Damina said he also apologised to his church when he stopped preaching about tithe.

His words:

"I was a master in that gospel. Some of them, it is my template they are using. I was baba. That shade of the gospel came in very slippery. It was a gospel that started by saying men of God should not be poor because God is not poor. And then we started seeing some men of God raising money and living better. So we also wanted to live better."

Netizens say Abel Damina was right on tithe

Now, some X users who love Damina's teachings on tithe see Pastor Adeboye's apology as a win for the Uyo-based preacher.

They also say the apology is a necessary step towards the reform they insist should happen among preachers in the country.

One of them, Oba Oma Metta said:

"Abel Damina was right all along."

Another X user, Bem said:

"My girlfriend got so upset when I said Abel Damina is right. It’s crazy what pastors have done to the minds of our youth these days. We need more open conversations without it getting so heated."

On his part, Captain MD described Pastor Adeboye as a man of courage to have admitted he was wrong.

He said:

"Abel Damina wins. It takes a courageous man, who is living only for his maker to make this open apology. Baba Adeboye is such a man. God bless him!"

Lord's chosen woman wraps baby in church's apron

In a related story, a Nigerian woman taking care of her grandchild wore the baby the popular 'Chosen Mopol' apron

The woman is said to be a member of the Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries which is trending online

The way the boy was dressed sparked funny reactions among TikTok users who said they loved his appearance.

Proofreading by Nkem Ikeke, journalist and copy editor at