Keith Stobbart

Predatory pervert back behind bars after targeting 13-year-old on TikTok

Keith Stobbart has a long history of entrenched sexual offending going back to 2008

by · ChronicleLive

A predatory pervert is back behind bars after targeting a 13-year-old girl on social media.

Keith Stobbart has a long history of sex offences and his behaviour has been described as "entrenched". Newcastle Crown Court heard that in 2008, Stobbart was convicted of eight offences of indecent assault on a child and inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and was jailed.

In 2015 he was convicted of two counts of breaching a sexual offences prevention order. Then in December 2022 he posted a graphic comment on a video posted on TikTok of a 14-year-old girl miming to a song. He got a community order in relation to that offence, having served eight months in custody on remand. He was also given a seven year sexual harm prevention order.

More recently, it came to light that in November 2022 he was using TikTok when he sent a 13-year-old girl a sexualised message asking for naked images.

Police went to his home in June to carry out a risk review and when they examined his phone they found four images in an album called "girlfriends" showing adult females in sexual poses with the face of a female child superimposed.

He had also been using a Facebook account which he had not informed the police about, which was a breach of the sexual harm prevention order.

Stobbart, 66, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to engaging in sexual communication with a child, making indecent images and breaching a sexual harm prevention order and a sexual offences prevention order. He was jailed for two years and eight months and must sign the sex offenders register for life and was given a restraining order banning him from contacting the 13-year-old.

A probation officer described his behaviour as "entrenched". Judge Penny Moreland told him: "The writer of the pre-sentence report refers to your predatory behaviour and forms the view you pose a high risk to children."

Ian Hudson, defending, said: "I accept he is a high risk to children. " He added that he has served 16 weeks in custody on remand.

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