Vet used animal medication to kill himself after a row, inquest told

by · Mail Online

A 52-year-old vet used animal medication to kill himself after an argument with his fiancée, an inquest has been told. 

An Exeter inquest heard Christian Eiermann was found dead in his bedroom at his home in Ebford, Devon, in October 2021.

His fiancée discovered him the day after they had returned home from a holiday in Greece.

The inquest heard that German-born Mr Eiermann took a fatal dose of two drugs used in animal euthanasia and pain relief.

An inquest at Exeter Coronor's Court (pictured) heard that Christian Eiermann, 52, took a fatal dose of two drugs used on animals

He died from fatal toxicity of both drugs.

His fiancée said an issue had arisen between them, causing tension during the holiday, and when they returned home he asked her to stay somewhere else that evening.

During the evening, argumentative text messages were sent between the couple.

That night, he transferred a large sum of money into her bank account, before taking the animal medication.

Mr Eiermann had become an international veterinary consultant working around the world.

He had no known mental health issues.

Police said there were no suspicious circumstances, despite family concerns about the investigation. 

Alison Longhorn, area coroner for Devon, recorded a suicide conclusion on the 'very experienced vet'.