Former Chesterfield manager James Rowe, 41, appears in court

by · Mail Online

Former Chesterfield FC manager James Rowe has today appeared in court charged with sexual assault - following a two-year delay to the start of his trial. 

James Rowe, 41, confirmed his name to Derby Crown Court and told the judge his partner had to take a day off work to look after their two young children so he could attend the hearing.

The court heard that a potential new witness may be required by the defence for the trial which is due to begin on October 7 and last around five days.

Rowe, of Blind Lane, Breaston, previously pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual assault when he appeared at both North East Derbyshire and Dales Magistrates Court and again at Derby Crown, on two separate hearings almost two years ago.

But the trial has been delayed after a prosecutor fell ill at the last minute, the court heating broke and a juror could not speak English. 

Former Chesterfield FC manager James Rowe (pictured) has today appeared in court charged with sexual assault

Rowe appeared back in court today wearing a grey jacket, blue shirt and navy blue jumper.

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AFC Fylde manager and former Chesterfield boss James Rowe is charged with sexual assault and due to appear in court in November

The defendant was charged with one count of sexual assault on September 28 2022, with the incident alleged to have taken place on November 24 2021.

Judge Shaun Smith KC said: 'This case has been going on too long. It is going to take place.

'It is listed for October 7 and that is where it is going to stay.

'There will be a definitive witness list provided by the defence by 4pm of Friday of this week.' 

Peter Eguae, the defendant's barrister replied: 'I will provide it today.'

Judge Smith said: 'Mr Rowe, I am determined as I can be to ensure your trial takes place on October 7. It would be extremely unfortunate for you and the person who make the allegation if this was to be put back again.'

Rowe (pictured) was charged with one count of sexual assault on September 28 2022, with the incident alleged to have taken place on November 24 2021

The defendant played for a host of football clubs from 2001 to 2013, starting his career at Ilkeston Town and also playing for clubs including Grantham Town and Stamford. 

He became manager of National League side Chesterfield in November 2020, before he was suspended by the club on January 24 2022, following the sexual assault allegations.

He was then hired by AFC Fylde, a team in the National League North, on March 7 2022. 

However, the day after Derbyshire police confirmed he had been charged, Rowe resigned, on September 29 2022.