Stalker who threatened to cut head off ex-partner's mother is jailed

by · Mail Online

A stalker who threatened to cut off the head of his ex-girlfriend's mother has been put in jail.

Martin Hardy, 33, had been in a relationship with his former partner until they split in June last year after his alcoholic abusive behaviour became too much.

Teesside Crown Court heard how Hardy, of Redcar, North Yorkshire, threatened to kill the defendant on a video call and also brandished a kitchen knife while making threats of violence.

Ashleigh Leach, prosecuting, said the 33-year-old sent messages via WhatsApp saying 'if your door isn't locked, I'm coming through it and smashing your head in'.

Two days later, the victim recorded a video call where the defendant was abusive. Miss Leach said he later sent numerous messages apologising for his behaviour but on March 10, during a video call, the defendant threatened to kill her.

Hardy, of North Yorkshire, pleaded guilty to two charges of making threats to kill and one of stalking
Teesside Crown Court heard how he threatened to kill the defendant in video calls where he also brandished a kitchen knife

She said: 'He shouted "if you try and get me arrested, I'll f****** kill you and your whole family. They won't keep me in jail forever. I will slaughter you all".'

On August 18, he made another video call where he could be seen brandishing a kitchen knife and making threats of violence.

Miss Leach said: 'He made threats to cut her mother's head off and show her it. He stated he would come for her and her family one by one.'

In the disturbing footage played in court, he was heard shouting: 'I'll f****** kill you all. I'll cut your f****** mam's head off and show you it. You've not seen dangerous until you've seen me.'

In her victim impact statement, the ex said: 'I felt sick with fear. After the incident involving the knife, I needed to take extra precautions to get to work.'

Hardy pleaded guilty to two charges of making threats to kill and one of stalking.

John Crawford, defending, said his client was ashamed of his behaviour and acknowledged that he was an alcoholic who needed help to address his addiction.

Judge Francis Laird KC sentenced Hardy to a total of three years and four months and made him subject to a seven-year restraining order.

The judge said: 'I have watched extracts from both video calls and it is no surprise that she feared that you would carry out those death threats and no doubt whatsoever that she would fear those threats would be carried out.'