Police hunt women after man was battered in vicious street robbery

by · Mail Online

Police are hunting a group of people including two women caught on CCTV moments before a man was battered and whipped with a belt in a savage street mugging. 

The victim, a man in his 40s, had just finished work and had stopped to buy cigarettes when he was approached by five men and two women. 

Footage shows the man tying to run away but he was chased by the men and the women followed in tow on St James Street, in Nottingham.

The victim fell over a bollard and was kicked and punched in the 'cowardly' attack before having an engagement ring stolen outside the Fusion nightclub at around 4am on September 7.

Footage released by Nottinghamshire Police shows one of the thugs removing his belt which he used to whip the man as he lay on the ground.

Do you know the robbers? Email matthew.cox@mailonline.co.uk 

Police are hunting a group of people including two women caught on CCTV moments before a man was battered in a savage street mugging
Over a month since the 'cowardly' attack in St James Street, Nottingham, on September 7, police have turned to the public for help identifying a number of people
The victim, a man in his 40s, had just finished work and had stopped to buy cigarettes when he was approached by the group
The victim attempted to flee but was chased, with one of the thugs taking off his belt (seen centre-right) to user as a whip in the barbaric theft

As well as the ring the victim had just bought for his partner, attackers also stole his mobile phone and bag - containing a remote control DJII Mini Pro drone.

Officers released CCTV showing two curly-haired women standing near the victim before the robbery.

Sergeant Ethan Spinks, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: 'This was a nasty and cowardly assault on a member of the public and we are determined to ensure those responsible are caught and brought to justice.

'The victim dislocated his shoulder as a result of this attack and received severe cuts and bruises to his body when he was kicked and punched.

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'He was also whipped with a belt. The suspects then decided to take what wasn't rightfully theirs which included the man's engagement ring, drone and mobile phone.

'This level of violence is completely unacceptable on the streets of Nottingham and we are pursuing all avenues to locate those responsible.

'Over the last month we have been following a number of lines of inquiry but so far we have not managed to locate those responsible.

'We are now calling on the public's help. We have released images of a number of people who could help us with our inquiries.

'Please take a look at the CCTV footage we have released today. Do you know the people in this footage? Are you one of the people in this footage? Please get in touch with us as soon as possible.'

Anyone with information can call 101 quoting incident number 0408 of the 7th September 2024 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.